Herberth Bolanos

Award winner of the 2019
Autumn Decorations of Japan

Professor at the Center for Research, Teaching and Artistic Outreach of Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica. The Japanese government announced the Award winner of the 2019 Autumn Decorations (https://www8.cao.go.jp/shokun/hatsurei/r01aki/meibo_gaikokujinjokun.html) that conferred to foreign nationals who have made significant contributions to the promotion of academic exchange and mutual understanding between Japan and Costa Rica.
コスタリカ国立大学の研究、教育、芸術アウトリーチ研究所教授。 日本国内閣府は、日本とコスタリカ間の学術交流と相互理解の促進に多大な貢献をした外国人として氏を選び、令和元年叙勲受章者として発表した。